Wednesday 2 March 2011

Album cover analysis- Pink

Pinks album ‘Missundaztood’ is the second debut album from the artist. The album cover features pink lying down on what seems to be a couch with graffiti on it. We get a close up shot of the artist as she lies down with her name ‘P!NK’ written in bright pink at the back. Pink is a different type of artist as we can tell from the way she spells her name and also the irony of her name and the music she creates. Pink can be seen as a ‘boyish’ artist who dresses in baggy clothes and likes to ride motorbikes although she has a name like pink which is also her hair colour. The album title is spelt ‘Missundaztood’ rather than misunderstood also this is ironic with the way the word is spelt as it can be misunderstood. We get a sense of a graffiti scenery as the title of the album is written as if it was graffiti on the sofa and so do the other words around pink. Her hair colour is blonde although she has a streak of pink in her fringe; this is done as it goes with her name and also for her to be more recognizable and noticeable.